Foreseeing: a Christmas reflection Luke 2:19
At the Bath and Wells Clergy Gathering Matt Harvey our poet-in-residence talked to us about the Norwegian concept of ‘kenning’. I’d never heard of it before – the art of ‘describing a physical object in terms of its properties, abilities, attainments or effects’ (thanks, Steve Tilley). I realised I’d written a kenning piece at theological college several years ago for Morning Prayer and I’ve adapted it today so it can act as a reflection for a carol service (you can use more than one voice if you like to give it more colour)…
Life giver bread breaker storm sleeper blame taker
Scroll reader mask exposer sheep steerer wave treader
Temple razer truth wielder light exuder crowd amazer
Life enhancer, drinker, dancer
Cross bearer dazzle wearer law lover wine renewer
Story weaver, hurt healer, death drinker, God revealer
Lone lamb finder, Satan binder
Sight restorer, desert victor, sin forgiver, hymn singer
Dawn-light pray-er, bondage breaker, bone straightener, peacemaker….
Bubbling up with joy river
Death defeater, grace ladler, never sinner, heart burner
Tempest husher, Spirit breather, show stealer, table turner…..
Mary worships.
Baby cries.
All the future in their eyes.
love this – have added it in the canon of worship tricks! hope that’s ok? see you next week