Left-field newness
Some of you followed my SAD journey in Advent last year. I found myself on Facebook daily pouring out the pain and discomfort of living Advent and Christmas as a single person. I was surprised by what that diary evoked…
Sneaking a peek over God’s shoulder to see what He is up to: thoughts on future church
Sneaking a peek over God’s shoulder to see what He is up to: thoughts on future church
Some of you followed my SAD journey in Advent last year. I found myself on Facebook daily pouring out the pain and discomfort of living Advent and Christmas as a single person. I was surprised by what that diary evoked…
Two of these people look fully alive: one looks foolish. Funnily enough, the foolish one is neither of the clowns! I queued (possibly even queue-jumped some small people) in my eagerness for this photo, having fallen in love with Les…
Last New Year’s Eve my friends were staying. My closest friend married 20 years ago and the three of us have journeyed together since. Our friendship has been enriching and challenging, joyous and stressful, with all the potential imbalances of…
I was walking through Yeovil to spend Boxing Day afternoon with friends. This poem caught my eye in the window of an empty shop. Yeovil is a small rundown town once the home of glove-making – covered the hands of…
It happened again. It always happens when I’m on a course. However insightful it is, however much I learn, I always end up feeling on edge and dissatisfied and mildly envious of the contributors. Then my customary self-liking dries up…