Want an updated version of ‘To be a pilgrim’? This was sung at my installation service in June 2011. Feel free to use and improve if you wish – no copyright!
To be a pilgrim
Sent by the Father above
Jesus drew near us;
Journeyed with his people in love,
Chose not to fear us;
His great humility
And true simplicity
Are marks of what it means to be
A faithful pilgrim.
Now risen from the dead
Jesus anoints us;
Pours grace upon our head,
Calls, gifts, appoints us;
“Go, journey through the street,
Share me with those you meet;
I’ll come and wash your feet,
My fellow pilgrim.”
Lord, for the route unknown,
Send us your Spirit;
Guide us as we journey home,
Life to inherit.
Grant courage for the way,
Give wisdom what to say,
Fill me with love and strength today
To be a pilgrim.